- 0191 - 2481222, 2480139
- director@csssjk.org

CSSS is committed to respond to any man-made or natural disaster that takes place in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. Since its inception, we have played pivotal role in most of the disaster that happened in the state. We are actively involved in various relief and rehabilitation programs to relieve the pain of the victims of natural and man-made disasters. The agency also designs programmes post disaster to prepare the community to reduce the risk and ready to respond to any kind of future disaster.
In 2016 CSSS J&K came with initiative with participatory community Based Disaster Risk Reduction Program titled “SHIRKAT” in District Pulwama. The core focus of the program is to build the capacities of the local communities and increase their resiliency towards any disaster and also working on grassroots level policy for disaster mitigation. CSSS is handholding the population in 10 villages of district Pulwama for community based participatory disaster risk reduction. The Intervention areas of the project are settled on the bank of rivers and nallahs and are prone to various natural disasters. It has received tremendous support from the Community as well as local authorities.
Major interventions in the past
Year |
Intervention |
1999 – 2000 |
Relief and rehabilitation for the internally displaced people in Jammu region during Kargil war and cross border shelling- |
2005 - 2005 |
Relief for the victims of flood and avalanche in Kashmir region |
2005 - 2011 |
Relief and rehabilitation of victims of Earthquake in Baramulla and Uri sector in Kashmir region |
2010 - 2011 |
Housing scheme for the affected families of flash floods in Leh |
2014 - 2015 |
Relief and rehabilitation for the victims of flood affected population in Jammu and Kashmir comprising of 6 districts |
2015 - 2016 |
Relief to fire victims in slum area of Jammu |
- Participatory disaster risk assessment Exercise / Preparation of village development Plans.
- Formation and Capacity building training cum exposure visits of community based groups (CBGs): Mahila Mandal, Youth Groups, village monitoring team, Farmers Group etc.
- Trainings of Disaster management team (DMT) on FIRST AID, Search & Rescue, Early Warning, system emergency Management of Disaster management volunteers/Disaster risk reduction awareness at community level.
- Social security of Students and School safety and preparedness.
- Awareness generation on mother and Child health(MCH).
- Livelihood Enhancement: Awareness on livelihoods schemes, workshop on entrepreneurships, workshop on income generation programs etc.
- 2604 people gained knowledge on risk reduction measures.
- Inclusion of women participation in DRR activities.
- 600 persons have greater understanding on Early Warning.
- 116 DMTs are well trained & ready to respond to any eventuality and are registered with Civil Defense & SDRF.
- First Aid kits are available in 12 intervention schools.
- 586-Students & teachers are practicing activities like mock exercises, morning assembly topics on disaster preparedness and social security.
- 460 community members participated in PDRA exercise and came to know about the risk of their village.
- 10 village development plans were framed by CBOs and submitted in the RDD.
- 1200 persons including; children, PWDs, wome, men and elderly people received orientation on disaster risk reduction.
- Structural development at village level like roads, drains and lanes, earth filling of water pits etc.
- Improvement in health and hygiene practices through camps cum awareness covered 1050 mothers & adolescent girls.
- 54 ASHA and ICDS workers are capable to deliver effective service in any eventuality.