- 0191 - 2481222, 2480139
- director@csssjk.org

" Attainment of a just and peaceful society wherein every human person enjoys fullness of life "

Solidarity: We affirm the innate dignity and potential of those who live in poverty. Our solidarity with them is our commitment to empowering them to meet their basic needs, develop their full potential and work to change structures that undermine justice and freedom.
Integral Development: We are committed to care for people in the context of their family, community and environment, with concern for their physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual well-being.
Justice and Equity: We believe injustice is the consequence of broken relationships at family, community, national and global levels. We are committed to restoring right relationships, valuing diversity and solidarity among various ethnic and religious groups and working to create a world where everyone shares equitably in the goods of the earth.
Excellence: We are committed to providing the highest quality of professional service to our partners, colleagues and the people with whom we work. We pursue excellence in all that we do by encouraging feedback, introspection, initiative and creativity.
Collaboration: We are committed to partnerships with institutions, groups, organisations and movements, recognising that we are part of a larger alliance to build a better world. We learn from and with others, and model integrity and modesty in our dealings with others.
Accountability: We are accountable to God for the use of our time and resources. We are accountable to our partners, supporters and the communities we work with, being trustworthy and transparent in all we do. We are responsible for the effectiveness of our actions and we are committed to making what we do consistent with what we say.