CSSS has been working in the field of disability from the time of its inception. Since 2002, we became associated with Jan Vikas Samiti, Varanasi which has resulted in extension of support to many special children in and around the Jammu city and in the region through institutional and community-based interventions.
Under its institutional support, St. John’s Rehabilitation Centre at Mandal became functional from February 2008. The 45 students from the nearby areas get support in education, mentoring and therapies at the centre under the supervision of CMC Sisters, doctors and staff. Under its community-based intervention, CSSS supports another 37 students in and around Jammu with therapies, assistive devices, nutrition, livelihood and educational support. We also sensitize families of the differently challenged persons; empower them to integrate them in the family and in the larger community. We are also involved in capacity building of parents & local staff, awareness on rights & entitlement related to rights of the people with disability.