
Rights & Entitlements

Democracy and development require the deepening of the process of participation of people on the one hand and effectiveness of institutions of governance on the other. Participation of people brings in the sense of belongingness and ownership and the second instills a sense of responsibility and urgency about the achievement of developmental objectives. Institutions like Gram Panchayats play a pivotal role in actualizing the objective and their effectiveness. Strengthening the affirmative action for accountable and transparent governance to provide fair access for rights and entitlements and raising the voices of the vulnerable and marginal population is one of the key focus of CSSS in all its operational area.


  • Sensitization cum awareness generation on RTI and PSGA.
  • Capacity building of PRIs.
  • Regular meeting of PRI with the community based institutions.
  • Networking with Panchayats and Block Office and DC office.


  • Organized 25 meetings and consultations where 972 persons including the PRI members participated. Issues for deliberations included, increased participation in the Gram Sabha, dissemination of information on the available schemes for the villages and promoting fair selection of beneficiaries.
  • 22 Sensitization cum awareness camps on Right to Information and Public Service Guarantee act were conducted with the participation of 609 members.
  • 10 trainings on PRI organized in which 127 persons including panchayats members participated.
  • Majority of the SHG members have opened their bank accounts, as a step towards financial inclusion.